Parent Teacher League 

Trinity’s Parent Teacher League is responsible for fundraising and special events and activities (work parties, staff appreciation, social committee, room parents, etc.).

As a non-profit organization, Trinity depends on fundraising to provide classroom improvements, repairs and financial assistance for low-income families. Check out the information on this page for more details on fundraising opportunities for Trinity.


There are three main goals of the PTL:

1: we intend to build a strong sense of community among Trinity families.

2: we hope to encourage parent involvement in fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and social events.

3: we expect to HAVE FUN as we support the school through our efforts.


Parental Involvement

Parental participation is encouraged. It can include volunteering in the classroom, field trip drivers, school maintenance, assisting in special events and activities or being a Room Parent. The PTL (Parent Teacher League) organizes great events and fundraisers for Trinity.


Here is a preview of what we have planned:

Social Committee

Parent Speaker Night

Silent Auction

Tile Fundraiser…and much more!



See’s Candies

Silent Auction (Spring)

Local Restaurant Support

Financial Assistance Fund

United Market Shopping Cards