Health & Safety

Trinity follows the policies and guidelines set forth by the Center for Disease Control and Marin County Health Department to help create a safe and healthy environment for children, teachers and families. Please review the following information and refer to when needed.

Illness Policy (updated for COVID-19)

Parents are required to keep their child(ren) home when they have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • A fever of 100.4 degrees or above
  • Two diarrheas in one day
  • Eyes that are pink, watery or have mucous
  • Unidentified rash
  • Coughing, sneezing or difficulty breathing
  • Listlessness; inability to participate in activities of our program
  • Earache or drainage
  • A colored discharge from the nose
  • Vomiting

(a clear, runny nose discharge may be acceptable when NOT accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, coughing, vomiting or listlessness)

Before returning to school, your child(ren) need to be free of symptoms for 72 hours or have been on an antibiotic for 72 hours. Regarding a fever, your child(ren) must be fever free for 72 hours after the last dose of fever fever-reducing medication and have no other symptoms.


COVID-19 Details:

Any Coronavirus Symptoms: Fever of 100.4 or higher, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell. Per the Marin County Health Department if your child has any of these symptoms they must be excluded from the program until they are cleared of Covid-19. The Health Department will determine when it is safe to return to school and who needs to be excluded from attending.

For illnesses other than Covid-19, before returning to school, your child needs to be free of symptoms for 72 hours or have been on an antibiotic for 24 hours. Regarding a fever, your child must be fever free for 72 hours after the last dose of fever-reducing medication, and have no other symptoms.

You are required to notify the school if your child has an infectious or communicable disease. You are responsible for keeping your child home from school when he/she is sick. The director has the right to refuse a child’s admission if it is determined that the child is too ill to attend school. If your child becomes ill at school, you will be asked to take him/her home or make arrangements for an authorized person to pick him/her up.


Safety Policy

As a part of Trinity’s Health and Safety plan we make sure to have three (3) days worth of food, water and activities for each student in case of natural disaster or general emergency as instructed by state and local authorities. Trinity is also equipped with a 24 hour a day monitoring system that communicates directly with national, state and local authorities. This system will notify us if and when an emergency occurs. 

Emergency supplies provided by: Earthquake Supply Center

Other Health & Safety Resources

Marin Flu Website
Government Flu Website
Center for Disease Control Website
Federal Emergency Management Agency Website